February 13-14, 2009
Vancouver Playhouse Theatre, Vancouver BC
Eric Satie’s Relâche, “an instantaneous ballet in two acts,” with René Clair’s film Entr’acte at intermission
Turning Point Ensemble, conducted by Owen Underhill
choreography by Simone Orlando
performed by Edmond Kilpatrick, Tiffany Traegarthen and Heather Dotto
lighting by Barry Hegland
objects for performance by Greg Snider .
This production of Relâche centered on a revolving set of three aluminum frames; two were provided with removable translucent lycra screens, for front or rear projection and shadow-play. The structure revolves on a central fixed pivot during the first act; in the second, it moves freely on casters around the stage.
Greg Snider makes an appearance as Satie at the end of the production, crossing the stage on a Segway, waving to the audience.