Forester’s Ghost
aluminum, steel, robotics, radio controls
2.5' x 2.5' x 4'
The forest industry in British Columbia is one of the most dangerous work environments in Canada. Overall, the industry employs 90,000 people in BC; 28,000 of these work in the woods, where, between 1993 and 2002, 250 were killed and 918 more severely hurt. The serious-injury rate in forestry is about six times that of all other B.C. industries combined; the death rate is 10 times higher. In 2005, the worst year on record, 43 loggers died in the woods.
While these statistics have declined recently (16 dead and 80 seriously injured this year), the industry as a whole continues to be a dangerous place, in spite of increased layoffs and closures.
Forester’s Ghost is a robotic radio-controlled empty wheelchair with circular-sawblade wheels. It can be remotely driven around an open space.